Parece uma mulher a dar um mergulho. Mas se olhares de perto, vais ficar boquiaberto.

As imagens que vais ver de seguida são do tipo que tens de olhar duas vezes para te certificares que estás a ver bem.

Gustado Silva Nuñez, um artista argentino, é especializado em pinturas relacionadas com água, principalmente de pessoas a nadar ou a flutuar. As suas pinturas são incrivelmente realistas, mas Gustavo ainda vai mais além ao posar com elas depois de as concluir, o que cria ilusões óticas curiosas.

O talento do argentino é fascinante e os seus quadros parecem verdadeiras fotografias!

Aqui ficam algumas das suas obras de arte. Partilha!

be2c49ff201d6747a880f4a3e5ca1658Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez

548c43512d5d3aedbec4c773225d775aGreat Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez

9b22a2e7fdb3b9d19f2afc35760c3cf7-632x800Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez

7286924dae788f6272b492e5ddb359adGreat Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez

78bc69c087110050c214d9c5b0e69d70Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez

9363a22babcfb9836f7bbb613ff0f86cGreat Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez

e5d01c17835235a4cc30273c5ad397a3Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez

8f08631816cd4a5fe19d0e1413441145Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez

daff89def0da45fe0fc1a51d80a0a8ffGreat Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez

4f118c216a9d5cac58f4605027f1c04dGreat Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez

088a409ba6273930bf8560fcd6639fa5Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez

8d902d9a6bc2c2e768dddbf35d974998Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez

b009766cbc4c4a06cdb11e975174fdd9Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez

8ae1e91d217a8dec9e5a41b19a0a3f32Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez

aa29d0a76dae20a5cec17572f9880bf1Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez

2d6b3c1988c3d14db8cf0f5fcd6b2a36Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez

b7e4914232a317ee2b1ad08a73853504Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez