As imagens que vais ver de seguida são do tipo que tens de olhar duas vezes para te certificares que estás a ver bem.
Gustado Silva Nuñez, um artista argentino, é especializado em pinturas relacionadas com água, principalmente de pessoas a nadar ou a flutuar. As suas pinturas são incrivelmente realistas, mas Gustavo ainda vai mais além ao posar com elas depois de as concluir, o que cria ilusões óticas curiosas.
O talento do argentino é fascinante e os seus quadros parecem verdadeiras fotografias!
Aqui ficam algumas das suas obras de arte. Partilha!
Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez
Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez
Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez
Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez
Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez
Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez
Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez
Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez
Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez
Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez
Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez
Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez
Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez
Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez
Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez
Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez
Great Interactive Between Paintings and The Artist Gustavo Nuñez