Cão encontrado a viver do lado de fora da casa depois de os seus donos se mudarem e o deixarem para trás

Esta é a história de um cão, hoje chamado de Larry, que infelizmente passou meses à fome, à espera que a família que o abandonou voltasse.

A motorista de uma empresa de entregas via Larry constantemente deitado e deprimido, e ficou com o coração partido, mas não podia adotá-lo.

Então, tirou-lhe fotografias e criou uma conta no Instagram chamada oldboy909, onde publicou uma fotografia nova diariamente, até chamar a atenção da Love Leo Rescue, organização de resgate de animais de Los Angeles.

Sasha Abelson, presidente da organização, contactou a sua equipa para resgatarem Larry. O cãozinho estava muito ansioso, mas aguentou as duas horas de viagem para L.A.

Chegado à Love Leo Rescue, a equipa viu que o abdómen de Larry estava muito inchado, pois não comia uma refeição saudável há meses e estava desnutrido.


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This is how Larry the lab used to live. ☹️(Just wait till you see what he looks like today!!!) His owners moved away and left him behind. Larry took up residence in the parking lot across the street and found a quiet corner him that he made his home. Who knows how long he lived there. We were made aware of him and got him to our rescue the next day. Over the past two months we’ve spent over $4000 on his medical care, boarding and supplies. But… all we want for him is a forever home. Isn’t there someone, somewhere out there that wants to give this beautiful, #goldenlab his fairytale ending? He is eight-years old and has been diagnosed with Cushing’s disease which is manageable through daily medication. His can get a little stiff he’s a little slow. He prefers sleeping outside in the garden versus being confined to a crate. He would do well with another old dog that stays out of his business. For information: loveleorescue@gmail.com

Uma publicação partilhada por Love Leo Rescue (@loveleorescue) a

O pobre cãozinho também perdeu parte do pelo e estava com muitas dificuldades em andar. Entretanto, foi diagnosticado pelo veterinário com doença de Cushing, comum em cães mais velhos, normalmente provocada por um tumor não-cancerígeno na hipófise.

Os sintomas principais desta doença são fome e sede excessivos, problemas de comportamento, micção frequente, perda de pelo, respiração ofegante, estômago inchado e acumulação de gordura nos ombros e pescoço.


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This is how Larry the lab used to live. ☹️(Just wait till you see what he looks like today!!!) His owners moved away and left him behind. Larry took up residence in the parking lot across the street and found a quiet corner him that he made his home. Who knows how long he lived there. We were made aware of him and got him to our rescue the next day. Over the past two months we’ve spent over $4000 on his medical care, boarding and supplies. But… all we want for him is a forever home. Isn’t there someone, somewhere out there that wants to give this beautiful, #goldenlab his fairytale ending? He is eight-years old and has been diagnosed with Cushing’s disease which is manageable through daily medication. His can get a little stiff he’s a little slow. He prefers sleeping outside in the garden versus being confined to a crate. He would do well with another old dog that stays out of his business. For information: loveleorescue@gmail.com

Uma publicação partilhada por Love Leo Rescue (@loveleorescue) a

Infelizmente, uma cirurgia já não era viável para Larry, pois já tem 8 anos e era muito perigoso. Por isso, tem de tomar medicação para o resto da vida.

Larry passou 45 dias no hospital, a ajudar-se aos medicamentos, e ao início apresentava-se deprimido e defensivo, atacando outros cães – mas é importante lembrar que a doença de Cushing pode afetar a personalidade.


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Larry got a break from boarding today and was out on a coffee date with friends. He was the perfect gentleman. He sat quietly for an hour and a half, enjoying the scenery and watching people go by. We are still desperately searching for a foster or forever for him. He will do fine with other dogs as long as they’re gentle and laid-back. He would love to have a yard to hang out in. Larry is on medication for his Cushing’s disease which does run about $180 a month. So whoever is interested in adopting him will need to factor that expense Into the equation. As long as he’s in a foster home, LLR will cover the expense. Please… Tell me there’s someone out there in the Los Angeles area for this beautiful soul? our minds are blown 🤯 that he’s not already being pampered and spoiled in a forever home. loveleorescue@gmail.com

Uma publicação partilhada por Love Leo Rescue (@loveleorescue) a

Depois de se habituar à medicação, o temperamento de Larry mudou e tornou-se mais carinhoso e brincalhão.

Larry acabou por ser transferido para uma creche de cães, onde pode socializar com outros animais. Embora tenha passado por uma experiência tão traumática, Larry voltou a confiar e a divertir-se.


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When we first rescued Larry the lab, he was physically and emotionally shut down. His POS family had moved away and left him behind. He took up residence in a parking lot across the street where he lived for some time. Larry slept in the dirt and people would toss him scraps to eat. Finally someone did something about it and he joined our rescue @oldboy909 ! The first month we had him – we were focused on getting his Cushing’s disease under control. Bloodwork, ultrasounds, appointments with surgical specialists and internal medicine specialist… many thousands of dollars later he is feeling great. When we first rescued him, he was reactive to other dogs and would growl when they got too close. Now that he’s feeling better, he’s turned into a social butterfly. We are super happy to report that he is having the time of his life in doggy daycare. To date, Larry has been kicked out of 3 foster homes (due to separation anxiety) and had 2 adopters bail on him. He deserves better than that. Larry not do well when he’s left alone and would need a secure backyard or a heavy duty crate and lots of doggy daycare. He needs to be on a medication for life that costs about $180 a month. Other than that, he’s a kind and gentle dog who really deserves a forever home to call his own. Please consider adding him to your family. He has been through so much and wants to spend his golden years being loved and adored. loveleorescue@gmail.com

Uma publicação partilhada por Love Leo Rescue (@loveleorescue) a

Infelizmente, a sua medicação custa cerca de 160€ por mês, e não são todas as famílias que estão dispostas a adotar um cão mais velho, ainda apara mais com uma doença.

Devido ao abandono, Larry desenvolveu ansiedade de separação, o que o levou a ser expulso de três lares adotivos.


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I wish I would have had more time to dedicate to this happening, but that’s what places like @loveleorescue are for. Thank you to everyone that helped along the way, without every lil bit of help he would still be looking. Good luck Ol’ Boy. #Repost @loveleorescue with @get_repost ・・・ You guys, it’s been quite a journey. We are over the moon to announce that Larry the lab is finally home. On this cold and rainy day, Larry is curled up in a soft bed and surrounded by people who love him. As some of you know, he was discovered living in a parking lot after his family moved away and left him behind (👉🏽swipe). He slept in the dirt and strangers would toss scraps at him every now and then. He was obese and suffering from Cushing’s disease. Luckily a kind person @oldboy909 decided to do something about his situation and created a page for him. We saw his photo and knew we wanted to help. That was in June! I took a few weeks to figure out what was going on with him medically and the best course of action to manage his Cushings. We decided surgery was not an option (too risky) so we started him on medication. Larry started feeling better and in turn, became more sociable and sweet. But he had separation anxiety (can you blame the guy???). This caused him to get booted from three different foster homes. and, that it happened. He got the email that we thought Willie could be a perfect match for him. We told him about his issues and they didn’t blink an eye. He had a few accidents in the house, but still they weren’t face. They understand that he’s been through a lot and there’s a little kindness and patience. We are so happy he landed exactly where he was supposed to. Thank you to his loving humans who opened to their heart and their home to this special dog. Dogs like Larry are challenging for our rescue financially and — emotionally. Our goal is to rescue a dog from a bad situation and put them in their forever home. But sometimes, that just takes a little longer. We are very happy we were able to be part of his journey. Happy life sweet Larry

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Dois potenciais adotantes desistiram dele no final, mas no dia 6 de dezembro de 2018 aconteceu algo maravilhoso. Finalmente, o labrador encontrou um lar eterno, onde vive com uma família que passeia com ele todos os dias e o mima muito.